Measuring the image quality of digital and smartphone cameras
We are testing the future of smartphone photography
Moving imaging applications into high volume markets such as mobile phones has posed a new challenge to the quality control and characterization of imaging optics. TRIOPTICS has been involved in the first R&D projects related to visual applications in the field of mobile communications. And even the first generation of ImageMaster® PRO devices already fulfilled the basic requirements for large-volume MTF testing, such as:
Ultra-fast time measurement
Multiple field measurement points
Fast and accurate autofocus
Extremely stable software
“We are proud that already since the very first mobile phone lenses ever manufactured, our ImageMaster® PRO devices have been the industry standard for measuring image quality.“
Dipl. Ing. (FH) Benjamin Stauss | Division Manager Image Quality
In the years that followed the ImageMaster® PRO became the uncontested international standard for MTF testing and is recognized as the industry standard providing the highest accuracy and reliability. Mobile phone cameras have already surpassed the quality of digital compact cameras. Currently, zoom, i.e. the use of long focal length lenses, is an important topic in this dynamic market.

Megapixel and image quality
The image quality requirements of smartphone cameras call for a high-precision inspection. With a measuring accuracy of 1.5 % MTF off-axis, the ImageMaster® PRO sets the standards worldwide. All measurement results are traceable to international standards.
Wide angle lenses
Dual, triple and quad camera models allow telephoto, wide-angle and bokeh shooting. These new requirements must also be covered by the test equipment, so that the new ImageMaster® PRO 10 is capable to measure image quality at an angle of up to 215°.